Did you know that combining the wrong foods and can be bad for your health? Poor food combination can be especially bad for your digestion. There are several rules and formulas to follow for optimum digestion. These rules and formulas may seem foreign or alien to the unknowing consumer who does not practice them or is unaware of their existence.
First, digestion itself is an important function within our bodies. You've seen the commercials for indigestion, heart burn, upset stomach and diarrhea. All these ailments can easily be prevented if care is taken when, how and with what we eat. The right food combinations can ensure a pleasurable, painless and healthy absorption of our meals.
Here are the basics to remember when combining the foods on your plate and in your stomach:
• Do not mix proteins and starches. Proteins require acid and starches require alkaline stomach fluids.
• Fruit should be eaten alone on an empty stomach.
• Vegetables can be eaten with anything, except fruit.
• Drink a glass of water 15 minutes to 1/2 hour before meals. Don't drink with meals.
• High in enzymes: banana, avocado, papaya, mango, pineapple
• Be sure to eat your salad before dinner. The enzymes will help breakdown what you eat next.
For dieters reading this, please note that drinking water when you feel like snacking might not satisfy your craving, but it will keep you from snacking and increase the amount of water you drink. Exactly how much water are you supposed to drink? Specialists suggest you divide your body weight in two, and that number represents the number of ounces you should drink daily.
Knowing healthy food combinations can prevent indigestion, acid reflux and many other symptoms that plague the digestive system. Once you have an idea of which foods should be eaten alone or can be consumed with other foods you will develop good cooking and eating habits. Not only will you notice a change in your body, you will also notice a change in your moods. Any kind of physical discomfort leads to mental and/or emotional strain when prolonged. As you can see it is easy for a negative chain reaction to begin in your body from not properly combining the foods you eat.
In addition to the mental aspect of bad food combinations the chain reaction can continue to other areas of your body. If not addressed and corrected Acid reflux can cause cancer cells to develop. This is a drastic example, but realistic never the less. A friend of mine was actually forced to have acid reflux surgery in order to prevent cancer cells from developing. Within our bodies, a balance must be maintained for strong health.
If you found this information helpful, continue your search to better your health. There are numerous resources online and offline that will provide additional information to help optimize your eating habits. Good health is instrumental in living a good life. Without your health everything you do in life will be much more difficult to accomplish. Take care of yourself, physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally. Know what healthy food combinations have to offer.
For additional nutrition facts and health tips to improve your health please visit our Food Combinations page. Our blog and hints and tips page both have additional information that will improve your quality of life.
For more information click here
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